Kamis, 22 November 2018

Get Free Ebook Sailing the Wine-Dark Sea: Why the Greeks Matter

Get Free Ebook Sailing the Wine-Dark Sea: Why the Greeks Matter

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Sailing the Wine-Dark Sea: Why the Greeks Matter

Sailing the Wine-Dark Sea: Why the Greeks Matter

Sailing the Wine-Dark Sea: Why the Greeks Matter

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Sailing the Wine-Dark Sea: Why the Greeks Matter

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 7 hours and 35 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Books on Tape

Audible.com Release Date: November 7, 2003

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

I really don't care that this was a National Best seller. I found the level of writing in the book really oriented to a 5th grader. Additionally, the book felt very formulaic. I did not enjoy the casual language in a book that was supposed to be instructive on the significance of the Greek culture. I found the author's approach definitely aimed toward tween and teenaged boys--lots of references to orgies and (my personal favorite) the use of the word "schlong." There have to be better written and more entertaining books on why Greek culture matters. Not worth the time to read or the money spent to purchase.

This is one of the volumes in Cahill's "hinges of history" series, about periods in Western history upon which our culture hinges. I read it along with the Iliad and the Odyssey, the plays of Euripedes, and a survey course about the Hittites and Myceneans. I think professional writers and teachers of Greek history might consider it a bit quick or facile, but as an accompaniment to the kind of non-professional immersion I have been doing, it is most useful. He brings in the relationship of the Myceneans and later Greeks to the influences surrounding the area, which were many and powerful. The Greeks and Athenian democracy did not occur in a vacuum.In the last chapter he makes some observations about our intellectual inheritance in modern forms which are certainly provocative and worth considering. I highly recommend this book and the rest in the series.

"Sailing the Wine-Dark Sea" is the latest installment (2003) of Thomas Cahill's hinges of history series, which began with the delightful and insightful "How the Irish Saved Civilization." In this volume, Cahill conducts a brief if highly readable survey of classical Greek civilization to highlight its subsequent impact on the culture of the West. As Cahill lays it out, classical Greek civilization had an enormous influence on how the West approaches art, philosophy, drama, and government. The Greek willingness to think, discuss, experiment, and investigate was the basis for remarkable innovation in heroic sculpture, democratic self-government, a framework for natural and individual philosophy, and the dramatic and comedic schools of theater. Along the way, Cahill provides some insightful vignettes into the Greek psyche.Inevitably, a single volume treatment on such a complex subject as classical Greek civilization must simplify a great deal. Also perhaps inevitably, this volume lacks some of the almost intimate emotional empathy that drove "How the Irish Saved Civilization" and to a lesser extent, the "Desire of the Everlasting Hills." Finally, Cahill could not resist making a few sour remarks attempting to link the Global War on Terrorism to the Peloponnesian War that caused the downfall of the great city-state of Athens.This volume is recommended to the reader already hooked on Cahill's hinges of history series, and those looking for a very readable survey on Greek civilization.

I suspect I would have liked this book better if I had not had Cahill's other "Hinges of History" books to compare it to. Of the four- How the Irish Saved Civilization, The Gifts of the Jews, and Desire of the Everlasting Hills are the others- this was the least engaging to me. Taken by itself, I enjoyed Cahill's insight and irreverent humor as he traced the rise and fall of the Greeks from the Minoans through Alexander the Great. Using historical people or literary figures he shows us the development of the civilization in How to Fight, Feel, Party, Rule, Think and See from the perspectives of the Greeks. He acknowledges their limitations and their massive and amazing contributions. It was also interesting to read the first few pages about his approach to history and the last pages linking Greeks to other groups he has described. I look forward to the other books he has planned and this is well worth reading. Unfortunately for the author, (in my opinion) he is competing with his own earlier books and, as good as this is, it is not as good as the earlier three.

I'd owned a copy before, and all the Hinges of History series up to Mysteries of the Middle Ages.Sailing the Wine Dark Seas was so fascinating I kept dragging family and friends to let me read an extract or talk about content - finally someone unknown took it home with him/her and never returned it. The swine!Cahill reveals a side of the ancient greek civilisation I never expected to find.Unless you're already a classic studies nut, then no surprises for you.Possibly the most important hinges in this title.Enjoy!

I started with "How the Irish Saved Civilization," loved it, and then went on to what I believe are the next two - Desire of the Everlasting Hills, and Gifts of the Jews. Each offered new spins on old topics that made each read fascinating.Not here. I guess Cahill likes poetry, because the Iliad and the Odyssey are the eyes through which he frames everything. And believe me, you're going to be reading a lot of the Iliad and the Odyssey. In fact, much of the page count of this book is consumed by long, long verbatim pastes of both - pages-long pastes of both. And then characterizations of both by other authors and poets, also pasted verbatim, consuming yet more page count.I guess the technique of copying and pasting huge chunks of another work into your own book could have been a plus had your own book said anything coherent, logical, or that followed some form of thematic narrative, like "we are like the Greeks because . . . " Or "the Greeks did this, did it well, and it survived to influence us."But good Lord, this book does nothing of the kind. Long stanzas of someone else's work, followed by gibberish supposedly making the grand point suggested by the title, but in the end sounding like Philosophy grad students taking "deeply" in a pub one night after a few drinks.This book is that bad. It is that incoherent. It is nonsense. Once I realized how bad it was, I read it anyway. It became entertainingly bad.

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